One of the core issues service managers in the repairs and maintenance sector across industries face is “How can I empower my technician team to detect issues in a machine faster?”. As things stand, any defect in a machine could have multiple reasons and components involved, but the core question is "how do you identify the root cause and the component which got impacted that resulted in the out-of-ordinary sound that eventually led to a fault in the machine"? In the majority of cases whenever a fault occurs, the changing acoustics of the machine can tell us about any impending failure. If you look at the automobile industry, whenever a customer brings a vehicle for servicing almost 1-in-10 of them usually complain of "some strange noise" as the reason why they want to get their car for a quick check-up. The technicians' intuitive way of diagnosing the issue is either going for a test drive or listening to the sounds and noticing any deviation from the usual behavior in the vehicle. Involves a bit of guesswork based on their experience and also customer’s reporting to identify which component might have led to the noise and start checking each one of them. This usually takes at least 10 to 20 minutes of their time just to detect and diagnose the problem. Now imagine if you are a technician looking at the vehicle issue and have a handy mobile app that could “listen” to the sounds and allow the technician to tell what the problem in the vehicle is within a few seconds! Wouldn't that be awesome? It could be a technician's magic wand and a customer's delight! Well, that is what our Hark Engine is about. Having spoken to technicians ourselves, we believe sound is an important signature for issue diagnosis and this is that much-wanted tool that could become a tech-aid for them, like a shazam- for-servicing. We are building the next big thing for service managers and reimagining the services and repairs industry by empowering the technician teams in unlocking the value of noise analytics to detect issues faster and make their job easier, all while improving the overall customer experience.
By Haritash Team Novolytics